Mahatma Gandhi Joined Gokhale’s SIS group before going on to lead the independence movement

Study materials from : |Experts| |India| |ExpertsTalks| #ExpertsIASacademy Dharamaatma Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the liberal nationalist who was regarded by Mahatma Gandhi as his political guru. "What the country needs most at the present moment is a spirit of self-sacrifice on the part of our educated young men, and they may take it from me that they cannot spend their lives in a better cause than raising the moral and intellectual level of their unhappy low castes and promoting their well-being." Born on May 9, 1866, in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra (then Bombay Presidency), Gopal Krishna Gokhale was one of the founding leaders of the Indian national movement. Gokhale, an immensely wise liberal nationalist, made outstanding contributions towards social empowerment. On his 155th birth anniversary, have a look at few lesser-known facts about him. 1. Gokhale was from one of the first generations of Indians who got a ...